

Frequently asked questions about Phade
What is CICA ?

CICA is a short form of "Centella Asiatica", a native herb to some parts of Asia and Africa. CICA is also known as Gotu Kola, TIger Grass or Asian Pennywort.

What is the percentage of CICA in Phade Stretch Mark Cream ?

We are sorry but we cannot share this information. The percentage of CICA in Phade is proprietary information.

What is TECA ?

Teca is Titrated Extract of Centella Asiatica.

Who should use Phade Stretch Mark Cream ?

Anyone with stretch marks can use Phade Stretch Mark Cream. Phade cream was formulated to treat stretch marks but can be applied to scars. If you have experienced any skin reactions in the past, please read the ingredient list on the product before using. If you are unsure if Phade is right for you, please contact your healthcare professional for guidance.

Can Phade stretch mark cream be used on scars ?

Some stretch marks are types of atrophic scars. Phade stretch mark cream is formulated for use of stretch marks. Use stretch mark cream as directed.

How long can one use Phade Stretch Mark Cream ?

Phade Stretch Mark Cream can be used as directed for optimal results, apply twice a day, once in the morning, once in the evening or night on your stretch marks. Visible results can be seen in as soon as 2 weeks and optimal results in 6 weeks.

Is it safe to apply Phade Stretch Mark Cream during pregnancy ?

It is absolutely safe for you and your child to use Phade Stretch Mark Cream during pregnancy. Contact your healthcare professional if you have any concerns with using this product during pregnancy.

Just had surgery and still have stitches, when can I start using Phade Stretch Mark Cream ?

Phade stretch mark cream can be used as soon as your wound has closed or your sutures have been removed. Phade is not intended for use on open wounds. If a scab formed, wait until the scab falls off. While there is still a scab or stitches present, keep the wound clean and covered.